Social and Environmental Responsibility
Sustainability and social responsibility are points of large concern to the Nicolini. The company supports local initiatives aimed at the social, economic, and improving the quality of life in their areas of influence.
In the environmental area, Nicolini adopts practices that ensure the preservation and enhancement of the environment.
Concern about the environmental aspects caused by productive activities, especially with the right treatment and management of solid and liquid waste is one of our premises.
Among some practices adopted, there is the galvanic wastewater treatment plant, designed and approved within the standards set by environmental agencies.
All liquid waste goes through a chemical process to separate carriage all the heavy metal (nickel, copper, chrome, etc …) of water. After processing, the remaining waste are destined for landfills or recycling companies that make, and the water is treated again to be exploited in the general processes and health of the company or returned in nature with the corrected PH, avoided environmental damage.